1. Charlie Linton. 9/11 Conspiracy Theories. 2008. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9/11_conspiracy_theories.
April 23, 2008
This source was very helpful because it give me all the original facts on 9/11 and just educated me on how
significant it was in our history. 2. Brian Bezalel. 9/11 video. Janurary 28, 2006. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDh_pvv1tUM.
April 23, 2008 This source helped me because it was a video of the towers following down and it showed how devistating of
a day 9/11 was. 3. Larry Neumeister. Support 9/11. 2008. http://www.911truth.org/. April 23, 2008. This website supports
the fighters in the afghanistan war and it has donation to give the troops. 4. Kevin Ryan. 9/11 research. 2008. http://911research.wtc7.net/.
April 23, 2008 This website asks for donations for 9/11 to get more information on how things went down the day of 9/11 5.
Matt Paul. Complete 9/11 Timeline. 2008. http://www.cooperativeresearch.org/project.jsp?project=911_project. April 23,2008
This source explained all the things that happened throughout the day of 9/11 and showed me that there more things happened
than just the falling of the wtc. 6. Philip D. Zelikow. Terrorist attack against the U.S. 2004. http://www.9-11commission.gov/.
April 23, 2008 This source says all the terroristt attacks that have been planned on to the u.s 7. Dee Cook. 9-11-2001.
2008. http://www.9-11-2001.org/. April 23, 2008 This source just explains 9/11 in depth and says how this day affected peoples
lives in so many ways. 8. Michael Moore. Farenheit 9/11. 2004. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0361596/. April 23, 2008 This
source just informs us on a trailer about the movie on 9/11 and how everything was George Bush fault. 9. Alex Spector.
9/11 victim list. 2001-2004. http://www.september11victims.com/september11victims/victims_list.htm. April 23, 2008 This source
says all the victims name and how old they were. 10. Dr. James H. Fetzer. Scholars for 9/11. 2007. http://911scholars.org/
April 23, 2008 This website just shows how Bin Ladin had such a big affect on the tragedy. 11. Alex Jones. Link to 9/11
photos. 2002-2006. http://www.prisonplanet.com/911.html. April24, 2008 This source gives hotos from the day of 9/11 but they
were very sad so i didnt see them all. 12. James Nachtwey. Shattered 9/11. 2001. http://www.time.com/time/photoessays/shattered/.
April 24, 2008 This source was really sad because it was a kids essay on how his whole family was killed in the twin towers
in 2001. 13. Joseph King. 9/11 timeline. 2001-2007. http://www.wanttoknow.info/9-11cover-up10pg. April 24, 2008 This source
also has a timeline of the day of 9/11. 14. Alex Johnson. Wtc 9/11 facts. 2006. http://www.wtc911.us/wtc_911_facts.html.
April 24, 2008 This source had interesting facts from 9/11 15. David R. Kimball. Hidden facts on 9/11. 2005. http://www.wtc7.net/articles/kimball/thirdskyscraper.html.
April 24, 2008 This source gives hidden facts from 9/11 that were really cool.